View Profile yayman223

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ur shellin these mixes out too quickly

more and more people are gonna keep pestering u about using midis and just adding instuments if u shell them out that fast (no need to explain 2 me, uve told me already)

As 4 the song i havent gotten very far in nes zelda games so i cant give u the best feedback but it sounds pretty good to me

Keep up the good work, just submit it slower :)

BowserThedestructive responds:

Slower...peace slowerrrrrrr Arg i guess i am going to quick but i cant do song by ear the midi is basic the notes of the song and used for what there meant to be >_>
but funny part is yayman no one has complained not once to me about the fact i use midi i use well made ones though and its basicilly the notes to the song thats all i need to do these. it does take skill to do it by ear which ive tried and i just cant do that >__> .

Not bad at All

not much else 2 say really. Im just astounded by this piece, Ur goin in my fav artists man

Keep up the good work :)

DylanGlow responds:

Wow, thank you so much! I'm really happy people like this one. I'm the nervous type when I sing in my songs. XD I really appreciate it yayman!!! Thank you. ^_^

~Dylan ^_^

y are u getting blammed??

out of all ur ocherstrated pieces ive heard from you this is my favourite, yet ur only in the 2's. Well not 4 long.

Keep up the good work :)

BowserThedestructive responds:

thanks i never knew i could but ya i guess alot of my orchesteals get blammed buti think its just most people who do vote 5 have sucky voting power making it not go higher even a bit thanks :D


basically this is everything everyone else has said so far. One thing that would be cool is if u got someone to do lyrics 4 this song then this would put it over the top. It would be super special awesome :)

Keep up the Great work :)

Bosa responds:

Dude, I actually gave that some thought. I'm just waiting right now for someone to step up and offer.

This is very groovy mon

Is there a Regge catergory? cuz this should definetly be in there

I love it.....i dunno what else 2 say i just love it

Keep up the great work :)

leaderoffheidiots responds:

Thanks dude! not shure if there is a Regge catagory but it dosent matter as long as you like it!

has potential

but right now its a flaming train wreck. The drums are way to loud and repetitive. I like the nice ambient piano in the background but i think it should be the foreground to ur song and the drums in the background.

To make this song listenable i would tone down the drums, and only have it 4 the first bit of the song then add something different of ur own creation of the same ambient feel.

Keep Tryin, ull get it :)

Purrie101 responds:

Yea, im just a BIT off today, lol. but at least its not as bad as my first song of the day...ugh. But ive just been trying to branch out from my usual techno songs, maybe ill just stick to it tho, seems to work best lol

Chuck Norris can't open a pickle jar

cuz the pickle jar would just open in his presence due to fear (pickle jars get tense around Chuck)

Anyway this is an awesome song, its going in my favs

Keep it up :)

Penis-Monster responds:

Wow, I didn't think of that one yet :O I discussed it with a friend just now, still, nothing close to that brilliant explanation.

Thank's for the awesome review! Appreciate it!

yes nice mix

after ur last reply i finally understand what u mean by orchestral midi. The one thing u forgot to do was include the name of the real song in ur description but McZero did that 4 u LOL . I only give out these annoying copyright tidbits to u to protect u from weirdos on newgrounds who look 4 any reason to report someone (trust me it happend to me)

Keep up ur great work :)

BowserThedestructive responds:

o well hope they dont i mean half of all my songs are from videgames and its a remix not like i take copyright for it only the remix half the notes i dont take any for them..has i orchestrate the songs using the midi notes i get from vgmusic.com :D
ya i am lucky no one has reported me cause to me im not really doing anything wrong i am doing this to turn copyright songs /video games songs which arent copyright in the 1st place =D into royality free versions "aka orchestral style mixes" which i started doing and people liked them so i continue on doing it :D till i run out of songs to do =D "also by orchestral midi means i replace the normal present orignal midi instruments with HQ real instruments then enhance :D"

ill come in the middle and say..

kind of emo but hey, we all have those no one understands me moments and if we have a piano we usually act on those feelings and make a song which reminds me MAKE A FULL SONG OUT OF THIS!! Id actually like to see this become a song and see where u go with it.

Also maybe call it No One But Me, it isnt gramaticly correct but i just think it expresses feelings better.

Zero123Music responds:

haha, woops yeah I thought it sounded a bit wrong.

Thank you so much for the ten though (this is only 30 secs. and it's better than most of my others lol)

Making Movies since the begining of time......yesterday =3

Age 32, Male

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Joined on 4/4/08

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