its ok
come check out my Majoras Mask songs Clocktown Remix and Deku Palace. I think u will find them awesome and will help u make some awesome Majora songs of ur own.
its ok
come check out my Majoras Mask songs Clocktown Remix and Deku Palace. I think u will find them awesome and will help u make some awesome Majora songs of ur own.
thanks, ill look at yours
Yes, sink that penguin. Fill him with garlic, dont let him use his flippers or hell slip away and attack u with his penguin army.
Damn That Floating PENGUIN!!!
Can't Be Late
It reminds me of someone waking up late and realizing they have to go somewhere really importaint so the bulk of the song is the guy running/getting ready to go to that place. The ending is like the guy got there just in time or didnt get there in time.
I like this song. Let me know what u think of my title, and if u decide to change it.
I really like the idea for the title. Im highly considering yours and I will be sure to let you know.
where did u get the bagpipe loop?
the song is very original and I really like it. Ive never heard Scottish rap rock before.
Great Job
Thanks man, the bagpipe loop came with the "Acid Music" software (back in a day)
Help a brother out
my song got blammed to. Its called Palm Tree Party. Also help out any other blammieys by voting 4 them.
As 4 ur song, the intro drums werent in beat (but my compy is acting up today so it might be it) but it got better as It went along
Good Job. I gave u a 5 to help u out with those spammers :)
the drums were in complete sync you must have heard the offset of the Ultraphat i added onto it making it seem to be the orignal are in beat but i tried to mix it up to make it a copy/remix of the song :D but for me i love it :D
but ya i voted ur song its power of my power wasnt so high so i could only raise it a bit.
That Bomber is a douchebag
he just voted down my song. Help me out. Palm Tree Party is the name.
The one issue I have with this song is the harpsichord or whatever is making that booming, jingle noise. The song is good besides that. I gave u a 5 because I think the song deserves a higher rating than wat its got.
thanks ya that douche bag is Downvoting all newly updated songs D:
but ya i have vote power of 5.22 so if enough i should be able to raise ur song :P
i see wat u ment by the genre. I think u should put it in ambient cuz its in the middle of the two and its relaxing. If u want to stay between between those 2 genres I'd pick latin cuz of the drums.
Either way I like this song a lot
I did consider ambient but I thought ambient was a genre that had to have a kind oriental feel to it. Like foreign beats and melodies like that.
Thanks for the review.
ur in my fav artists. I actually like this remix. Its different yet it keeps its fun creepiness from the movie.
Check out my stuff, Its not as good as urs but its still pretty cool.
Cant wait 4 lyrics
Thank You For The Review!!!
i said i hope to get some lyrics in.
there is a possibility that i wont.
it all depends if i get the equipment i need or not.
thanks again for the review!!!
does this have anything to do with the new haze game for 360 & Ps3? The beginning kind of reminds me of it?
Either way good job, maybe a little repetitive toward the end.
Great Job
I think uve gone to a higher level than most musicians including myself so I won't hold anything back.
My opinion its a little fast and some of the notes in the song are a are a little off compared to the original . Some of the notes didn't jump out at me as well cuz they were a little fast and quiet so U might want to make the lead a little louder in parts.
Either make it louder or slower so the song captures you like Elton John intended it to be
As I said, Im only rating u hard cuz I think u got what it takes to get urself known on this site and maybe other sites. U get 10, 5, and on my favs list
Keep it up bb
Yeah... Tempo was hard to work with, because I wanted to keep it upbeat, without ruining the melody. Balance was tough, too.
But thanks a lot for your support and confidence! I really appreciate it!
Making Movies since the begining of time......yesterday =3
Age 32, Male
used snail salesmen
Joined on 4/4/08