Kind of reminds me of the Titanic a bit except no Celine Dion (thank god). Definetly good trance, totally sucked me into the song.
Keep up the good work :)
Kind of reminds me of the Titanic a bit except no Celine Dion (thank god). Definetly good trance, totally sucked me into the song.
Keep up the good work :)
remove 30 seconds of blank
its hurts the song when no one listens to it cuz no noise comes out.
the rest of the song is kind of bland and needs some work to make it attention grabbing
Hope u revisit this :)
do you have the levels on your speakers right? There's sound for the whole thing, albeit minimalism for a while.
Ur hard work payed off
not much u can change 2 make it better, its really good as it is
Keep up the good work :)
I think this is trance more than ambient but maybe im wrong. The erie dream feel definetly comes across, maybe a little repetitive but im not complaining.
Keep up the good work :)
NOW DIS IS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT. Definetly awesome. Sir uve just been fivetened
Keep up the good work :)
Sweet. Thanks man. I'm makin music all the time so I'll throw some more out pretty soon.
Id leave the disco out
its good but id like this song more as a surf rock song without disco but thats just my taste, the song is well put together 4 what u were aiming 4.
Keep up the good work :)
Hey thank's a bunch dude and I see where your goin with that. Alright nice to know it sounds good though. =) Thanks for your time.
the begining reminded me of pokemon 4 some reason. If u sticked to the begining it could have been a song in an icey part of a gameboy pokemon game or somethin. The the strings came in and u cold feel the cold of those caverns.
Keep up the good work :)
thanks i appreciate it =D
ur shellin these mixes out too quickly
more and more people are gonna keep pestering u about using midis and just adding instuments if u shell them out that fast (no need to explain 2 me, uve told me already)
As 4 the song i havent gotten very far in nes zelda games so i cant give u the best feedback but it sounds pretty good to me
Keep up the good work, just submit it slower :)
Slower...peace slowerrrrrrr Arg i guess i am going to quick but i cant do song by ear the midi is basic the notes of the song and used for what there meant to be >_>
but funny part is yayman no one has complained not once to me about the fact i use midi i use well made ones though and its basicilly the notes to the song thats all i need to do these. it does take skill to do it by ear which ive tried and i just cant do that >__> .
Not bad at All
not much else 2 say really. Im just astounded by this piece, Ur goin in my fav artists man
Keep up the good work :)
Wow, thank you so much! I'm really happy people like this one. I'm the nervous type when I sing in my songs. XD I really appreciate it yayman!!! Thank you. ^_^
~Dylan ^_^
Ur hold on aspirariting artists and preventing them from creating works of art will brainwash this galaxy into arguing about whos better, Kirk or Picard.
No but this isnt 2bad, a little short yes but when those 24 hour trek marathons stop this will become a very good complete piece.
Keep up the good work... when Kirk lets u :)
Making Movies since the begining of time......yesterday =3
Age 32, Male
used snail salesmen
Joined on 4/4/08